Hi all,

We've taken off! The Authentication and Authorization Community Group, that is.
At the first Dataverse Community Meeting, a break-out session on Auth was well attended and already resulted in interesting ideas for possible directions for Dataverse development.
The report of the meeting is a Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17TI2RLqdntd5vnrygDrFgYNNmqb_eoTdSFita-L1Azk/edit?usp=sharing

Phil and I updated the CG's page on Dataverse.org yesterday. The page has pretty minimal information, as the more dynamic group information can be found in and linked from the (main) Dataverse Authentication and Authorization Community Group Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xbWkj_OIk13gKe7jleNXVvakZErvHLA8JRBvLz8Fe8Q/edit?usp=sharing

You're invited to read and contribute by commenting or requesting edit access to this document or linked documents.
The Dataverse.org website is being migrated to a different platform. We, the group, may decide to migrate our documents too.

It was great to meet so many people interested in Dataverse and authentication/authorization at the Community Meeting and hope to keep in touch online and offline.


Phil and Ben