  • 14 discussions

Failing Fast
by Gandrud, Christopher
7 years, 1 month

Jupyter and docker notes and invitation to discuss
by Zahn, Ista
7 years, 9 months

from code to UML (PlantUML) to diagrams
by Philip Durbin
9 years, 9 months

UML vs. TLA+
by Philip Durbin
9 years, 11 months

Re: [TechTalkFollowup] TechTalkFollowup Digest, Vol 7, Issue 3
by Quigley, Elizabeth
9 years, 11 months

Understanding UX & Usability Slides
by Quigley, Elizabeth
9 years, 11 months

Thursday Presentation Slides and Code
by Bar-sinai, Michael
10 years, 3 months

Research Technology Services Road Map
by Philip Durbin
10 years, 6 months

Scala slides and files online
by Bar-sinai, Michael
10 years, 6 months

Meta question: allow non-IQSS or non-Harvard members on this list?
by Philip Durbin
10 years, 8 months
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